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Chris works for Autonomy Corporation - the innovative leader behind meaning-based computing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Autonomy Purchases Iron Mountain's Digital Assets

In what is regarded as the recognition of their failure to expand into digital records management, Iron Mountain has sold their digital assets - which include Mimosa and Stratify - to Autonomy for $380 million. With 5PB of data under management - Iron Mountain had been a major player in the market to store information. Now, Autonomy will add those to include over 25PBs of data under management in the world's largest private cloud.

Consolidation of the unstructured data market is inevitable (there are just so many niche players) - and with Autonomy having already raised $500 million last year for a purchase - the company is in prime position to capitalize on a number of technically strategic but financially floundering companies.

With the rationalization of the archiving/e-discovery/data storage markets I believe that the few big players left standing will be able to have the economies of scale necessary to efficiently and safely provide business critical processes in the cloud. We have seen that the recent push to move IT infrastructure outside of the corporation to be sustained demand and it will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

The Cloud is sexy. And ours just got a lot bigger.